dreams come true
Single inkl. Video

Recorded at Newtone Studio, Brig
Mastered by Don
Produced and mixed by Don and Allpot Futsch


 # Song  Video
1 dreams come true




1. dreams come true

imagine, a life without dreaming
nothing to work for
nothing to reach your goal
I mean you should try
to take all your forces
and make your dreams come true
stand up and try it
take all your forces
and make your dream come true
never give your dreams away
keep on going every day
you'll make it I am shure
just believe in what you can
sometimes life is going well
sometimes stones are in your way
try to push them away
and keep going on your dreams
don't think everything is working
the first time you try it
sometimes it's working hard
don't give up your dreaming
people who don't dream don't push
they're lazy 'till they're old
you know what I mean
I hope you won't be
lazy 'till you are old
stop to yell: "oh shit,
others life is better I'm so poor.
Nobody likes me, nobody
helps me, my chances are 0!"
I can not believe it
stand up and fight for
fight for your life
be proud of yourself
don't wait for presents
christmas is over
fight for your life
be proud of yourself